Powered by Nafion™ tubing, Perma Pure gas dryers selectively remove water from a gas sample. This selectivity for water vapor allows our dryers to remove more moisture than other gas drying solutions, while keeping analytes in the gas sample. 

Monotube Dryer Series (MD-Series) gas dryers contain a single Nafion™ tube. The MD-Series can dry a gas to humidity levels as low as –40 °C dew point and is ideal for applications with flow rates up to 4 lpm.

How it Works

Flow your sample gas through the Nafion™ tubing and flow a dry purge gas outside the Nafion™ tubing, countercurrent to the sample gas flow.

While the partial pressure of water in the purge gas is less than in the sample gas, Nafion™ polymer will selectively transfer water and water vapor from the sample gas across its membrane and into the purge gas flow, yielding a drier sample gas at the sample gas output. 


MD-050 Model: Flow rates up to 0.2 lpm

MD-070 Model: Flow rates up to 4 lpm

MD-110 Model: Flow rates up to 4 lpm

The performance curves above are based upon a sample inlet dew point of 20°C and purge flow rate of 2x the sample flow rate. Consult our team for operation with sample gases condensing above ambient temperature.

psid (psi-differential) = [sample gas pressure at inlet (psig)] – [sample gas pressure at outlet (psig)], based on atmospheric pressure at outlet.

Nafion™ Tubing Outer Diameter Options0.050″ (MD-050), 0.070″ (MD-070), 0.110″ (MD-110)
Max. Flow Rate0.2 lpm (MD-050), 4 lpm (MD-070), 4 lpm (MD-110)
Housing Materials AvailablePolypropylene, Fluorocarbon, or Stainless Steel
Max. Operating Temperatures80 °C for polypropylene housing, 100 °C for fluorocarbon or stainless steel housing
Sample Gas Port – End Fitting OptionsPort 1/16″ Compression (MD-050, Stainless Steel Only)
Port 1/8″ Compression (All models)
Port 1/4″ Compression (MD-070, MD-110)
Purge Gas Port – End Fitting SizePort 1/8″ Compression (MD-050)
Port 1/4” Compression (MD-070, MD-110)
Purge Gas RecommendationsPurge gas must be drier than sample gas
Purge gas can be instrument quality air (max -40 °C dew point) or nitrogen
Purge gas should flow at 2 or 3 times the sample rate
*Alternate methods to using a purge gas are possible, such as recycling the dry sample gas, or pulling vacuum through the purge gas flow path. See website for more information.
Coiled ConfigurationsCertain models are shipped coiled based on length. See page 4 for nominal diameters. Contact us for custom coiled solutions.
Material Options


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